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If you are interested in current positions with iDesign, please visit Careers
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Tailored To Your Needs

  • Program Planning
  • Instructional Design and Development
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Live Teaching Support
  • Video Production
  • Program Review and Curriculum Mapping
faculty pointing to lesson plans
iDesign working with faculty

The Freedom to Innovate

During the course building process, iDesign helps institutions with thinking through research-based effective practices for online and blended learning. It is important for our partners to know that academic decisions and intellectual property rights rest with the faculty and the organization. Throughout our collaboration, we work with instructors to ensure that courses are engaging and customizable. You can count on us to treat your team with respect, empathy, and kindness.

Meet the needs of modern learners with our fee-for-service offerings.

Tailored To Your Needs

  • Program Planning
  • Instructional Design and Development
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Live Teaching Support
  • Video Production
  • Program Review and Curriculum Mapping
faculty pointing to lesson plans
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The Freedom to Innovate

iDesign working with faculty

During the course building process, iDesign helps institutions with thinking through research-based effective practices for online and blended learning. It is important for our partners to know that academic decisions and intellectual property rights rest with the faculty and the organization. Throughout our collaboration, we work with instructors to ensure that courses are engaging and customizable. You can count on us to treat your team with respect, empathy, and kindness.

Meet the needs of modern learners with our fee-for-service offerings.

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